Version 5 – Error Report TO: Edig@s WorkgroupFROM:Company:Contact Person:Tel.:E-mail:Error Report For Version 5: Select a Process and then a document Capacity Trading—Please choose an option—OFFCAPAUCBIDAUCRESCAPDOCTRAADV Gas Trading—Please choose an option—OFFERSREQESTREQRESGASDECGASCON Nomination and Matching—Please choose an option—NOMINTDELORDDELRESNOMRES Settlement—Please choose an option—METREDALOCATACCSIT Balancing—Please choose an option—PRODOCPROCONBIDDOCBIDACTCLRCONBALDOCBALANOLIMITS Transparency—Please choose an option—TRANSPB Facility Setting—Please choose an option—INSTRN General Service—Please choose an option—ACKNOWPUBLICWETHER RemitGASCAPMARMONNOMMON Market BalancingMARSITPage (Optional):ERROR DESCRIPTION: Please provide any information that may help to evaluate the error (only if error is based on a different interpretation.)PROPOSED CORRECTION: Please provide a detailed description of the proposed correction (only if error is based on a different interpretation.)Please upload your file here (optional): (Max 1 MB, filetypes:pdf|txt|doc|docx|jpg|jpeg) Please fill-in your verification code: