Storage and ‎LNG System Operation ‎Workshop – Presentation available

A hybrid workshop for Storage and LNG System Operations was held in Riga on 3rd July 2024. It is now possible to download the presentation with following content:

  • Edig@s format and working group introduction (Oliver Schirok, VNG and Chair of the MWDWG)
  • Customer requirements (Svetlana Pozdycheva, Engie, WG member)
  • Storage business process and messages for inventory and capacity (Catherine Galiay, Terega, WG member)
  • Storage business process and messages for transfer (Jānis Vilims, Conexus, WG member)
  • LNG business process (Jeremy Devillers, Fluxys, WG member)
  • Q&A session

– Download as PowerPoint-file (.PPTX) – with animations: EASEE_gas_Edigas_SSO_QA.pptx
– Download as PDF-file (.PDF) – without animations: EASEE_gas_Edigas_SSO_QA.pdf

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